I’m super excited to have In Search of a Love Story author Rachel Schurig stopping by the blog today. Check out her guest post that I’m super excited about below.
When I found out Nerissa had asked me to cast the characters of In Search of a Love Story, I had to laugh. Nerissa had no way of knowing it, but this is my favorite game to play! Seriously, my best friend and I have spent HOURS facebook chatting about how we would cast my books and sending each other pictures of all of our choices. These are the actors I’ve narrowed it down to. I would love to hear from readers of the book—do you think I’ve made the right choices? Who would YOU pick?
Emily is tall, blond, and athletic. She’s beautiful and in great shape. She looks great all dressed up but can also rock a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. I picture her as a Blake Lively type.
Emily’s best friend Ashley is a little bit shorter with a sweet face and brown curly hair. She works as a kindergarten teacher, is very kind, and loves everything to do with romance. I think Sarah Ramos is super cute and is pretty much just how I picture Ashley.
Ryan is one of Emily’s best friends. He’s very stylish and very good looking. He helps Emily get in touch with her romantic side and helps direct her “makeover.” I see Ryan played by Michael B. Jordan.
Ashley’s boyfriend. Chris is somewhat nerdy looking but very cute. He’s most comfortable in cargo pants and a hoodie and does research at a university. Andrew Garfield would be a good pick.
Brooke is very hard to cast. She’s absolutely gorgeous, very curvy, very sexy, very audacious looking. I still haven’t quite found the perfect actress for her, but Mila Kunis comes close.
Emily’s boyfriend, Greg, is handsome, rich, and dashing. He’s athletic, enjoys golf, and spends a lot of time in suits. I think Tom Welling looks a lot like Greg.
Elliot is Emily’s friend who she becomes closer to as the book progresses. Elliot is a total outdoors guy, he loves being active and out in nature. He has reddish curly hair and is usually a bit scruffy. Emily describes him as being a “total mountain man.” I think Chris Pratt is really cute and would be the perfect Elliot.
Well that was fun! It’s also fun to hear how other people see the characters I write. Do you think I made any huge mistakes in my “casting?” Thanks for having me, Nerissa!
Thanks Rachel for this awesome post, I agree with your vision of who would play your characters in a movie!
You can check out my review of Rachel's book here. You can purchase a copy of In Search of a Love Story on amazon.